
Welcome to Prataap Snacks Limited! We are a leading brand committed to delivering exceptional products. With a daily production capacity of 100 tons, our 8-acre factory houses 10 production lines, ensuring efficient manufacturing. Our 70,000 square feet storage facility accommodates a wide range of products. Supported by 60+ transportation vehicles and a dedicated team of 450+ professionals, we ensure timely delivery and superior customer satisfaction. Experience the excellence of Prataap Snacks Limited today!

Our Production Process

  • Ingredient Mixing: The first step is to mix the ingredients. This usually includes a combination of grains or flours (such as corn, rice, or wheat), water, oil, seasonings, and additives like salt, spices, or food coloring. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous dough.

  • Extrusion: The mixed dough is then fed into an extruder machine. The extruder consists of a barrel with a rotating screw inside. As the dough moves through the barrel, the screw compresses and heats the dough.

  • Cooking and Shaping: The dough undergoes high pressure and temperature within the extruder, causing it to cook. The heat and pressure also help to form the desired shape of the snack. The extruder is equipped with a die that determines the shape of the final product.

  • Cutting and Drying: Once the dough passes through the die, it is cut into individual pieces by blades. These pieces are then transported to a drying system, which can be a continuous oven or a separate drying chamber. The purpose of drying is to remove moisture from the snacks and give them a crispy texture. The snacks are typically dried using hot air or infrared radiation.

  • Seasoning: After drying, the snacks may be seasoned with additional flavors or coatings. This is often done by spraying or tumbling the snacks with oil-based or powdered seasonings. The seasoning adheres to the snacks due to the slight moisture on their surface.

  • Cooling and Packaging: The seasoned snacks are then cooled to room temperature to ensure they are crisp and ready for packaging. They are conveyed to packaging machines, where they are weighed, filled into bags, and sealed. The packaging can be done in various formats, such as pouches, sachets, or larger containers.